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I received a request to update my previous list of people who map every single day. The top 3 places remain the same, with Aurimas Fišeras passing the 10 year mark of non-stop mapping! Congratulations on an amazing accomplishment, and a big thank you to all of these dedicated mappers!

Consecutive Days First Day of Streak User
3672 2014-04-03 Aurimas Fišeras
2810 2014-08-09 vichada
2687 2016-10-22 ika-chan!
2256 2018-02-17 LidaCity
2106 2018-07-17 Algebre gama
1943 2018-06-02 thetornado76
1943 2018-12-27 hendrik-17
1894 2014-06-15 roschitom
1860 2017-04-13 looniverse
1837 2019-04-12 bxl-forever
1828 2019-04-21 JJIglesias
1755 2019-07-03 Sammyhawkrad
1674 2019-09-22 Zrop
1631 2019-11-04 mstock
1629 2018-06-26 phiphou
1583 2018-10-06 fx99
1544 2018-10-29 BCNorwich
1501 2014-06-26 RoadGeek_MD99
1467 2017-11-04 dvdhoven
1450 2018-02-16 alkushi
1392 2019-10-25 marczoutendijk
1346 2017-10-28 piotrS
1336 2020-08-25 NieWnen
1318 2020-09-12 Strubbl
1305 2020-09-25 mindedie
1292 2017-12-11 vincent_95
1291 2020-10-09 Leonius_Bad
1286 2020-10-14 Grass-snake
1259 2020-11-10 SekeRob
1240 2020-11-29 seattlefyi
1211 2015-01-28 lodde1949
1159 2017-02-05 futurumspes
1153 2019-02-10 jmapb
1149 2021-02-28 MJabot
1092 2019-03-21 mmahmud
1070 2016-06-15 mindedie
1064 2018-08-12 ikiya
1063 2017-12-02 下り専門
1055 2019-07-22 Nesim
1031 2021-06-26 vincent_95
1026 2015-09-25 Nesim


Comment from matthewsheffield on 28 April 2024 at 02:21

Those are amazing achievements. I’ve had times when I have mapped every day for a month, and thought that was impressive!

Comment from JJIglesias on 29 April 2024 at 05:03

Nice 1828 and counting, I will try to keep the pace; However I would like to see this list in comparison with average daily Changesets per mapper. Some of this Streaks seems to be based in editing bots and not real actual mapping.

Comment from yellowsoar on 22 May 2024 at 07:26

🎉 Happy mapping and keep mapping! 🗺️

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